My world was once black and white. Then, one day, I stepped onto a plane that went half way around the world.
Everything changed.
When I’m asked why we travel, it’s hard to explain in words. I’ll let the colors tell you.
The Bayon is part of the ancient Angkor Wat complex in Cambodia, hidden from outside eyes for hundreds of years in the lush jungles of Cambodia. The Bayon has stood since the 12th century, and was built to honor the Buddhist King Jayavarman VII.

A railway worker in Australia told us that this was one of the first trains to make the historic 3,000 km first run from Adelaide to Darwin. The train cuts through some of the most inhospitable land in the world on its trip through the Australian Outback.

Deep in the jungle of Sumatra, Indonesia, the Bohorok Orangutan sanctuary works to rehabilitate and protect some of last wild orangutans on our planet.

New Zealand’s Te Whanganui-A-Hei (Cathedral Cove) is beautiful and wild;Â everything New Zealand is said to be.

We swam with white tipped reef sharks in this bay on Thailand’s Ko Phi Phi Don.  The island was devastated by the Indian Ocean tsunami only a few months after our stay.

Plucked straight from the amazing cinematography of Lord of the Rings: Â New Zealand’s South Island.

Temple bells outside Wat Pharathat Doi Suthep Temple overlooking Chiang Mai, Thailand. Legend says that King Geu Na chose a sacred white elephant to find the site for this temple.

Do you see the world in color?