Lash of Lash World Tour is a woman after my own heart.
She used to be a baker (me too!) and has started the Travel Bloggers Best Dozen series in honor of her pastry flinging days. The idea is to let travel writers highlight some of their best posts for their readers.
Without further ado, here are what we think are our best articles for 2012.
Now, if you’ll excuse me, I need to go grab a donut.
Most Popular Post
45 Great Jobs You Can Do While Traveling The World And How to Get Them
Ever wondered what happens when the Lonely Planet tweets one of your posts? Holy flaming tennis balls, Batman. Just hold onto your seat and enjoy the ride.
I spent most of my early 20’s doing crap jobs and spending money as fast as I earned it. I wrote this post to give aspiring travelers ideas and inspiration on how to make money on the road.

Most Helpful Post
Ever paid too much for a flight? We wrote this for everyone who wants to save money on airfare, but who doesn’t want to spend countless hours signing up for points programs and trolling through search engines.
Six Quick Steps to Nailing the Cheapest Flight
Most Controversial Post
Montezuma: Artisan Paradise or Failed Hippie Rejuvenation Project?
Montezuma is a tiny town on the remote coast of Costa Rica’s Nicoyan Peninsula, famous for a bohemian vibe. We went expecting peace, love and freedom, but instead we found a really odd, unhappy vibe that we just couldn’t put our finger on.
Apparently, Montezuma has quite a few fans, as the comments quickly got pretty heated.
My favorite comment accused us of being shocked that people smoked weed. Dude, it’s one of our favorite shows, and I spent seven years in the academic world. Ever met a graduate student?

Most Underrated Post
How To Sell Your Stuff Fast and For More Money on Kijiji and Craigslist
3,634 words, all on how to get a better price and sell stuff faster online. Enough said.
Most Amusing Post
Five Motivators to Save for Your Next Epic Trip
Have you found your idiot yet? No? Then you may be missing out on the best way to motivate yourself to get on the road.
Post We’re Most Proud of
25 Travel Myths That Cost You Time, Money and Peace of Mind and 10 Reasons to Take a Career Break Right Now
We have a rule for our posts: if it isn’t helpful, inspiring or interesting, we won’t hit the publish button.
Some of the posts we’re the proudest of are the ones that help you avoid travel pitfalls, or inspire you to get out on the road.
Best Travel Story or Travel Perspective Post
Unique World Heritage Site You’ve Never Heard Of: Dinosaur Provincial Park
Is anyone in your family a dinosaur nerd? Forget the museums – this is the place to go for a hands-on look at a dinosaur dig. They’ll even let you excavate for fossils. I promise.

Best Travel Adventure Post
The DIY Guide to Snorkeling with Endangered Sea Turtles in Akumal Mexico
As a family with two little kids, we don’t get to do a lot of extreme sports and bungee jumping anymore. But we do get to experience some things that I think are a whole lot cooler – like Cole’s first time ever snorkeling. It just happened to be with endangered sea turtles in Mexico.
Surprisingly Successful Post
Five Best iPad Drawing Apps for Kids
Who knew that the world was clamoring for information on drawing apps for kids? In the mood for a little creative fun? We loved Drawing Pad and Doodle Buddy for the iPad.
Best Cultural Perspectives or Insights Post
Travel is a funny thing. Most people think of travel as a vacation; an escape from reality. But travel can be much more than that – it can be a way to learn more about yourself and the world about you.

Most Beautiful Post
Australia’s Best Kept Secret: Wild and Beautiful Fraser Island
I’m not sure we can take a lot of credit for this: Fraser Island is one of the most photogenic places we’ve ever been. Ever met a person who just can’t seem to take a bad photo? Well, Fraser Island is just like that.

Best Photo Post
Do You See The World In Color?
Every time I look at this post I want to head back on the road to discover new things.

Lash has asked us to nominate some other writers to take part, and share some of their best posts. Check them out (seriously), there’s some great stuff here…
We pass the torch to: