What do roadtrips and toffee have in common? In a word, memories, and I'm taken back to my youth when we head across the border for a quick family roadtrip. Whoever said you can't go home again obviously hasn't tried a Mack.
Like the experienced procrastinators we are, Charles and I have just gotten around to looking back on 2013.This site has grown a lot in the past year, and we have to thank you so much for reading and sticking with us. You're what makes this site so much fun.Since we've seen so many new readers this year, we thought it would be a great idea to highlight some of our favorite articles to give you a chance to catch up on posts you might have missed.
Just another reason why I love to travel.
Traveler, vacationer, nomad or tourist. It's not how you classify yourself, it's only whether you're getting out there and seeing the world that matters.