Nothing beats fresh produce while you're traveling except maybe fresh bread. Here's a fast, delicious, and healthy recipe for grilled vegetable sandwiches that makes the most out of both. Enjoy!
Tourists flock to the beautiful Greek island of Crete to lounge on its beautiful beaches, wander through ancient Minoan ruins, and soak up the island's thriving culture. To heck with that. I'm in it for the food. In the spirit of foodies everywhere, I present my five step plan to eating your way through a holiday in Crete.
As a vegetarian, it can be a challenge to eat on the road, so here are a few of our favorite vegetarian recipes from the multi-talented folks at other travel blogs.
I've been a vegetarian since I was about ten.
I love to get immersed in the countries I'm visiting. This means getting as far away from any English speaking folks or signs as I can.
As a vegetarian, this can be pretty tough. I break out my bad Mandarin (or Thai, or Cantonese) and ask for something with no meat. I almost always get pork or fish, because most people assume vegetarians just don’t eat red meat. Vegetarian is a concept that just doesn't translate well.
After countless meals trying to order vegetarian food, I was getting frustrated. And hungry.
And then I found the ...