Most people that travel for extended amounts of time quickly realize one thing as they're getting ready for their trip, they have too much stuff!. After buying and selling a house worth of furniture twice in the past five years, we've discovered a few things about selling your things online with sites like Craigslist and Kijiji.
First off, a good ad is like a good post. Just like blogging or having a successful article published, good pictures, a decent ad title, honesty and the right information are all requirements for a successful ad.
Here are some things you need to know.
During the half term holiday, it can be hard to find things to occupy your children. If you want to go away for a few days over the school break, a bustling city like Liverpool has ample activities for you and your family to enjoy and stay busy.
Liverpool offers a lot of activities to keep the kids busy, including rock climbing, city farms, haunted walking tours, a footballer's museum, art galleries and the World Museum.
We stopped by Tranquille Farm Fresh in Kamloops, BC on a sunny fall day to sample their fresh produce, run through the corn maze and learn a little about history. We found what we came for, and much more. Tranquille Farm Fresh has a fascinating history, with roots in the gold rush, days as a former tuberculosis sanatorium, and even an incarnation as a mental institution...