Enter Now to Win Travel Photo Roulette 110 #PhotoRoulette Theme: Doors

We’re so excited to host this week’s #PhotoRoulette photo competition!


Josie from Housesitting Travel

I loved the greenery and bright colors surrounding this charming door. I’d love to spend the evening in a little B&B like this!

It was a tough decision to make – we had a lot of great entries!

Europe-2010-068 800 px Jose House Sitting Travel

And our runner-up

We loved this bright, vibrant, shot from Erin and Josh with Travel with Bender.

It was a very close second, but we felt the photo focused a little more on their beautiful daughter than on the door.


Last week, Tom of Travel Past 50 hosted the 109th round of the competition with the theme “Home”. Below is our winning photograph of my childhood home on the Canadian prairies.

Storm Clouds Over Central Alberta

The Contest

Every few weeks, a contest open to travelers from all over the world, participate in what is called Travel Photo Roulette. It’s an ongoing contest that allows travellers to feature their best photos in a wide range of categories. We’ve entered the contest a number of times, and have finally won! Winning the contest means you get to host the next round. That’s why you’re seeing this post on The Barefoot Nomad. Even if you aren’t planning to enter, feel free to stop back here in the next few weeks to see all the great entries.

Round #110: Doorways

Now for this week’s competition: Doorways around the world.

Wherever we go, we’re fascinated by doorways. You never know who’s on the other side, or what secrets are just past the entrance. Some doors are incredibly ornate, some have been weathered with age however what they all have in common is that they are gateways into another person’s private world and an areas culture.

Be sure to enter your doorway photo in this weeks #TravelRoulette! It doesn’t matter whether you’re a newbie to photography or a vet, everyone stands the same chance.

Good luck! Let’s see those photos!

Here are a few of our doorway photos for inspiration.

Merida White Weathered Door Mexico

Merida Faded Doorway Calle 51

Weathered door in Central Porto Oporto Portugal
Weathered door in Central Porto

About Travel Photo Roulette:

Travel Photo Roulette is a competition started by Jeremy at Living the Dream way back in November 2010 as away for travel writers to connect and share their photos.

The Contest

The contest is pretty straightforward. The winner of the previous round chooses a new theme and hosts the competition on their blog, inviting others to share their photos over the course of a week or two. As the end of the contest period, the host selects a winner and the process repeats itself.

The Rules

1. One submission per blog please, so sites that have 2+ authors only get one entry.
2. You will need a personal blog or website to participate (so you can host if you win!)
3. Post processing, cropping, correcting for red eyes and other flaws is fine.
4. Abstract submissions are welcome. But if you want to win, it’s probably best that the judge understands your interpretation
5. Hosts should keep themes general so all travellers can participate. Avoid specifics like ‘Eiffel Tower’; instead choose a more open theme, like ‘monuments’ or ‘monuments at night’
6. Abstract themes can be fun, as long as everyone can understand. ‘Overlooking creation’ is good, ‘Kafkaesque’ is not
7. No obscene photos or themes allowed. Suggestive themes and photography might be accepted, but be careful. Remember, the host is all-powerful
8. Themes may be reused after a period of time; however new photos must be submitted. Keep it fresh!
9. You do not have to take the photo within the week of the contest period to submit it.
10. Most important: ALL PHOTOS MUST BE YOUR OWN.
11. Please spread the word about Travel Photo Roulette via Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and any other means you can think of and use the hashtag #PhotoRoulette
12. It’s a game, so have fun with it.

How to Enter

To enter, simply leave a comment below with a link to your photo and it will be added to the post. (You can also send us an email using the “Contact” link above.) A brief description of the picture is always welcome to provide some background and context. Also, please don’t forget to include your name, a link to your blog, and any pertinent social media information so everyone can come see what you’re all about (and so we can contact the winner!).
The contest will run until Friday, August 31, 2015 at midnight EST, after which time we will select the winner. We’ll share the results right in this post.

Spread the Word

Tweet about this contest using the hashtag #PhotoRoulette and feel free to share this page with your friends on social media – the more the merrier! We love seeing your comments so please don’t be bashful about sharing your opinions.

Previous Winners

Finally, here are the past winners of the contest – as you can see, it’s been running for a while! Click on the link to take you to some great travel blogs and wonderful themed photos.

  1. Nov 2010 Living the Dream: Animals
  2. Nov 2010 Skinny Backpacker: Road Signs
  3. Nov 2010 Dream a Little Dream: Street Art
  4. Dec 2010 Flashpacker HQ: Festival
  5. Dec 2010 Over Yonderlust: Landmarks
  6. Dec 2010 Don’t Ever Look Back: Beaches
  7. Jan 2011 ThePlanetD: Portraits
  8. Jan 2011 Travel with a Mate: Motion
  9. Jan 2011 Johnny Vagabond: Water
  10. Feb 2011 Ken Kaminesky: Urban
  11. Feb 2011 Travels of Adam: Friday Night
  12. Mar 2011 Itchy Feet Chronicles: The Journey
  13. Mar 2011 Brendan’s Adventures: Changing Seasons
  14. April 2011 Shutterfeet: Storytelling
  15. April 2011 10 Times One: Piousness
  16. April 2011 Beached Eskimo: Learning
  17. May 2011 Travel Junkies: Architecture
  18. June 2011 Destination World [-404-]: Transportation
  19. June 2011 Living the Dream: Paradise
  20. June 2011 Vagabond Quest: Clothes
  21. July 2011 The Unframed World: Symmetry
  22. July 2011 Beached Eskimo: Home
  23. July 2011 BackPackerBanter: Inspiration
  24. Aug 2011 WanderingTrader: Darkness
  25. Aug 2011 Finding the Universe: Tranquillity
  26. Sep 2011 Fearful Adventurer: Food
  27. Sep 2011 Adventures of a GoodMan: City
  28. Oct 2011 Globe-Trekking.com: Reflection
  29. Oct 2011 Scene With A Hart: Framing
  30. Nov 2011 Vagabond Quest: Silhouettes
  31. Nov 2011 Hecktic Travels: Music
  32. Dec 2011 Globetrotter Girls: Love
  33. Dec 2011 Man on the lam: Humor
  34. Jan 2012 My Walkabout: Winter
  35. Jan 2012 The Art of Slow Travel: Blue
  36. Feb 2012 Ten times One: Depth of the Field
  37. Feb 2012 Runaway Juno: … Digital Nomad Moment
  38. Mar 2012 Nomadbiba: Sunshine
  39. Mar 2012 Travel With Kat: Local Character
  40. April 2012 The Travel Bunny: Street Scene
  41. April 2012 Adventure Crow [-404-]: Spirit of the Country
  42. May 2012 Food Travel Bliss [-404-]: Evening
  43. May 2012 Matt Gibson: Adventure
  44. May 2012 Flashpacker HQ: Once In A Lifetime
  45. July 2012 Dusty Main: Surreal
  46. Aug 2012 2away: Smile

    1. Aug 2012 Bridges & Balloons: Splendour…
    2. Sep 2012 The GypsyNester: What the ?!
    3. Oct 2012 Runaway Juno: Sweet
    4. Nov 2012 GQ Trippin: Play
    5. Nov 2012 Life’s Little Victories: Friendship
    6. Dec 2012 Breakaway Backpacker: Face
    7. Jan 2013 Fly, Icarus, Fly: Serendipity
    8. Feb 2013 Travel Transmissions: Lost in Thought
    9. Feb 2013 Wanderlusters: The Natural World
    10. Mar 2013 Travel Junkies: Patterns
    11. April 2013 Living the Dream: Your First Time
    12. May 2013 Getting Stamped: The Sun Goes Down
    13. June 2013 The GypsyNester: Cheesy Tourist Diversions
    14. June 2013 Boomeresque: Revolution
    15. July 2013 Breakaway Backpacker: Colorful
    16. Aug 2013 Around This World: Mountains
    17. Aug 2013 Passports & Pamplemousse Hands at Work
    18. Sep 2013 TurtlesTravel Dance
    19. Sep 2013 Keep calm and travel The Sea
    20. Sep 2013 Travel Photo Discovery: The Market
    21. Oct 2013 Am I Nearly There Yet?: Travel Fails
    22. Oct 2013 The GypsyNester: Weird Regional Foods
    23. Nov 2013 Sophie’s World: Trees
    24. Nov 2013 SHOuTography: Party
    25. Dec 2013 Adventures of a Goodman: Ruin
    26. Dec 2013 Have Blog Will Travel: Light
    27. Jan 2014 This World Rocks: Crowds
    28. Jan 2014 Travel Past 50: Competition
    29. Feb 2014 The Working Traveller: Working
    30. Mar 2014 Travels with Carole: Umbrellas
    31. April 2014 Independent Travel Help Quirky
    32. April 2014 Quit Job Travel World Statues
    33. May 2014 Nomad is Beautiful People Sleeping
    34. May 2014 Backpack Me: Mouthwatering
    35. June 2014 20 Years Hence: The Face of A Nation
    36. July 2014 Two for the Road: Into the Wild
    37. July 2014 TurtlesTravel: Summer!
    38. Aug 2014 Adventures Around Asia: Candid
    39. Aug 2014 Travel with Kevin and Ruth: Hiking
    40. Sept 2014 Till The Money Runs Out: Transport
    41. Sept 2014 The Crowded Planet: Wild World
    42. Sept 2014 ZigZag On Earth: The 4 Elements
    43. Oct 2014 Travel Addicts: Heritage
    44. Oct 2014 Living the Dream: Your Grand Adventure
    45. Oct 2014 Getting Stamped: Inspire
    46. Nov 2014 Flashpacker HQ: Viewpoint
This list was re-formatted by dare2go.com. If you like to use this two-column layout in your post please download the code here and follow instructions on same page.

The winners and themes in 2015. Click the link to go directly to that entry to see some fab photographs.

    1. Jan 2015 Adventures of a GoodMan: WOW!
    2. Jan 2015 ZigZag On Earth: Roads and Tracks
    3. Feb 2015 Where’s The Gos?: Street Art
    4. Mar 2015 Ice Cream and Perma Frost: Frozen
    5. Mar 2015 Journey Jottings: Detail
    6. April 2015 House Sitting Travel: What’s your Angle?
    7. April 2015 JetWayz: Spiritual Beauty
    8. April 2015 The Trading Travelers: Celebrate
    9. May 2015 Street Food World Tour: Epic
    10. May 2015 Next Stop Who Knows: Landscape
    11. May 2015 We Travel Together: Wildlife
    12. May 2015 Vagabond Way: Festival
    13. June 2015 Travel Addicts: Landmarks
    14. June 2015 TravelnLass: Wrinkles
    15. July 2015 Anita’s Feast: Food Markets
    16. July 2015 Dare2Go: Dry
    17. August 2015 Travel Past 50: Home

Enter the contest by adding a comment below or by emailing us using our contact form. Again, be sure to include a link to the image, a link to your blog, and any other information that will allow us to contact you.

Entry 1:

Josie from Housesitting Travel

My cute little door is from Conrad’s and my B&B in Bergen, Norway. We arrived via the night train from Oslo and were so charmed to find our pre-booked lodging just on the outskirts of downtown. We didn’t spend much time here though because it was July and the sun went down at 1 a.m. and came up again at 3:30 a.m.!

Europe-2010-068 800 px Jose House Sitting TravelEntry 2:

Anne from Let Me Be Free

While I was in Cambodia I captured this image of a monk at one of the temples. It makes me feel very relaxed looking at this picture.

dsc00369 Anne Let Me Be Free

Entry 3

Carole Terwilliger Meyers from Berkley and Beyond

Though this door is painted such a dark blue that it almost looks black, it is the entrance to the exceptional Blue Door Inn in Mendocino, California. Situated within an immaculately updated 1883 Victorian house, it is tastefully furnished in contemporary English style and housebaked cookies are always available.

mendocino Carole Terwilliger Meyers

Entry 4

Brent Huntley from Brent’s Favorite Photos.

I loved the double level set of doors at Chang Deok Gung in Seoul, South Korea.

Chang Deok Gung Palace Brent Huntley

Entry 5

Noel Morata from Travel Photo Discovery

I’m submitting this green door – it is from a small hamlet in Northern Italy.

Noel Morata Borghetto-Italy-5

Entry 6

Juergen | dare2go.com

I love this hand carved door which we noticed in Villa de Leyva in Colombia. It depicts perfectly the rural life in this region. The bottom right panes shows fossils which the area is famous for. #door #handcarved #VillaDeLeyva #Colombia

Juergen dare2go cd12b960f8f63aa6127d10ed48644827

Entry 7

Blanca Pauliukevicius

I am also fascinated by doors, especially old ones. This is one of the oldest in the US. I shot this during my honeymoon in St. Augustine, Florida in December 2008.

blogger-image--2016923230 Blanca Pauliukevicius

Entry 8

Rebecca Hall (Bex) of Life Beyond Borders.

This one is a ‘doorway’ of a different sort. The canvas glamping tent amongst the woods in Moran State Park, Orcas Island, San Juan Islands chain in the Pacific Northwest, just off the coast of Seattle.

Rebecca Hall Bex IMG_3613

Entry 9

Suzanne Fluhr of Boomeresque

My photo is of the door to Nelson Mandela’s cell in the infamous Robben Island prison off the coast of Cape Town, South Africa, where he spent 17 years of his 27 years of imprisonment by the apartheid government. Nelson Mandela’s life is a testament to the fact that prison cell doors can keep people in, but not ideas.


Entry 10

Erin and Josh with Travel with Bender

Antigua Guatemala. History. Antique. Old. And the perfect backdrop for laughing children.
